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Ofrecer una lectura fácil y útil para aquellos que no pueden permitirse la ayuda que desean buscar en coaching o hipnoterapia.
Disponibilidad para el navegador de autoayuda &
para recaudar fondos de donación -
para hacer llegar esta publicación a Cárceles/prisiones/presos.
Muchos encarcelados se encuentran en un momento y lugar perfectos pa
Ofrecer una lectura fácil y útil para aquellos que no pueden permitirse la ayuda que desean buscar en coaching o hipnoterapia.
Disponibilidad para el navegador de autoayuda &
para recaudar fondos de donación -
para hacer llegar esta publicación a Cárceles/prisiones/presos.
Muchos encarcelados se encuentran en un momento y lugar perfectos para mirar hacia adentro y comprender sus elecciones, acciones, reacciones y más allá.
Comprender a través de esta publicación que los pensamientos se pueden gestionar e incluso dominar.
Que cada individuo es resultado de su interior…
ya sea reaccionando a condiciones externas a ellos mismos o
¡falta de confianza en uno mismo!
El futuro del mundo tal como lo conocemos. puede ser más positivo para los niños de ahora… si, aquellos que son liberados tienen una buena mentalidad para afrontar su próximo capítulo utilizando una mentalidad mejor equipada.
please make a donation or simply make a purchase yourself & have your order sent directly from amazon to your chosen prison / prisoner.
It really does take a large village of people to make a difference collectively.
My hope is that you choose to be a part of this collective in raising the vibration for the greatest good!
Si e
please make a donation or simply make a purchase yourself & have your order sent directly from amazon to your chosen prison / prisoner.
It really does take a large village of people to make a difference collectively.
My hope is that you choose to be a part of this collective in raising the vibration for the greatest good!
Si está en condiciones de hacerlo, haga una donación o simplemente haga una compra usted mismo y envíe su pedido directamente desde Amazon a la prisión/prisionero elegido.Realmente se necesita un gran pueblo de personas para marcar una diferencia colectivamente.¡Mi esperanza es que elijas ser parte de este colectivo!
To offer an easy, helpful read - to those who cannot afford the help they wish to seek in coaching or hypnotherapy.
Availability for the self help navigator &
to raise donation funds - to get this publication sent to Jails / prisons / prisoners.
Many imprisoned are in a perfect time & place to look within & understand their choices, actions,
To offer an easy, helpful read - to those who cannot afford the help they wish to seek in coaching or hypnotherapy.
Availability for the self help navigator &
to raise donation funds - to get this publication sent to Jails / prisons / prisoners.
Many imprisoned are in a perfect time & place to look within & understand their choices, actions, reactions & beyond.
To understand through this publication that thoughts can be managed - even mastered!
That each individual is a result of their within…
whether reacting to conditions outside of themselves or a lack of self belief!
The future of the world as we know it -
can be more positive for the now children
if - those who do get released are in a good mindset to handle their next chapter using a better equipped mindset!
The Mission - is to raise funds to have the book 'Where Is The Help I Need?' sent directly into jails & prisons.
If this root part of society is not addressed - the future at best looks bleek!
When an individual is in such seclusion it is a perfect time & place to work on themselves as they learn to understand CHOICES!
Debi L Source One for Facebook
debi.l.source1 for Instagram
@debi.l8 for TikTok
If you wish to be a part of this Good & Kind / Greater Good Collective
please follow me on Facebook, Instagram & TikTok.
I will be posting on these forums when each you tube is posted.
For those who wish to be entered into the by-monthly drawing, for a session
You will need to sign up through this site in the contact section
& tagging me with your public post of yourself with The Book
'Where Is The Help I Need?'
Please sign up via contact pop up -
This will be a meeting place to discuss topics in the book
'Where Is The Help I Need?' WITHIN!
If you wish to be a part of the group on zoom as I share my journey
please sign up - this will end with a weekly meditation journey to close out the meeting.
A recording of that mini meditation will be available for purchase at a minimal cost of $7.77 per person
via Cash App - Source1DebiL
Zelle Upon Request
PayPal - upon Request
(recording will be sent to you via WhatsApp only at this time)
These sessions will require pre-sign up via the contact us section
& pre-payment of
$55 Per person
via Cash App - Source1DebiL
Zelle & Paypal Upon Request
This meditation session will be tailored to the group
Each participant will be required to submit together - what it is they wish to achieve!
Each session will begin at a agreed predetermined evening time EST
10-20 minute chit chat on pre chosen subject(s)
20-30 minutes of Open discussion of pre chosen subjects - Q & A style
30 minute break to prepare for meditation - shower, drink water & get your space comfortable
30-45 minute subject meditation to send all attendees into a healing, peaceful nights rest.
Meditation recordings will be sent out via WhatsApp within 48 hrs of the group session
Burn Out / Depression / Wellness / illness / Overthinking / Anxiety & Fear / Confidence / Anger / Resentments / Happiness & Sadness / Relationships - Love & sex
Workplace Synchronization & Alignment
starting at $222 per person
I have a vast amount
of life experiences,
varying from
devastating & ugly
amazing, beautiful
& beyond!
I am your go to when
help is essential,
in order to achieve goals
improve your overall mindset, well-being & beyond!
My approach is
uniquely tailored
to each individual,
their wants, needs, necessities
I believe that
everyone has the
birthright & potential
to live a fulfilling, meaningful,
authentic life.
By identifying
working towards goals,
my clients are able
to unlock their
authentic full potential!
Clients enjoy co-creating
a life they choose & love,
as they understand
their choices,
with the actions
reactions that follow
their every choice!
I offer a range of services
that include
One to One Coaching, Group Coaching,
All via
Online Portals.
These services
are designed
to help clients
overcome obstacles, improve their mindset,
authentically achieve
their desired
Kinda yes - Kinda no.
So taking into consideration how disconnected people often feel when looking for a helpful pathway ...
I have decided to stretch myself & step into the light form the shadows on you tube!
This was my 1st, available in both English & Spanish.
I would not class myself as a writer.
I’m not even an average reader - most writers are prolific readers - right?
Regular book text print I find boring, hard on the eyes & exhausting to read to be honest!
I would describe it as a self help journey book geared towards teenagers & adults, touching on spirituality.
I personally choose these days - not to partake in an organized religion.
I do what is right for me with a good heart & mind.
The book is an easy read - with the chosen font being easier on the eyes & laid out in shorter bursts of information - (The shorter burst style that we are more familiar with in todays world)
It contains easy adoptable tools, if one decides to use them.
Your individual perception is really what matters!
Maybe it would be good to ask yourself ...
‘Is your perception one that you are enjoying - as you experience living this life?’
Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble Since October 2023
It’s available in Spanish Also!
(Since early Spring 2024)
So after major burnout -
I took the time out to decompress & assess what my life had become.
I quickly realized that I needed to change my life completely
& chose to indulge in some energy medicine - I still do this, to this day!
It has been a life style change for me.
I chose to study Hypnotherapy - becoming a practitioner.
& I quickly realized that … the majority of people who need or would appreciate guidance ... either don’t have the funds to do so or do not deem themselves worthy of the self investment! It’s pretty sad really - but - I do understand this mindset - I was there!
I personally believe those locked up in jails or prisons for violating laws etc -
Would actually benefit from this book too.
Well, those that want to change their mindset… Opting to choose to live a better life regardless of their current circumstance!
They are truly in a perfect time / place to look inwards & assess self ...
then begin to understand their positive possibilities.
Not everyone has been lucky enough to have good role models, structure etc.
Or - the mind strength to reach beyond what life has been showing their experience.
This book can help anyone look within authentically!
& so it was worth the time, attention & expenses I invested into doing it.
My perception shifted several times during it’s piecing together.
We are living in a world with so many influences outside of ourselves -
that looking outside of ourselves is more familiar to many - maybe most!
It’s a sad state of affairs!
Many of us are or have been instant gratification addicts - & this momentarily feels good.
We have learned to feel good when we are dressed up, jeweled up, faked up... whatever is familiar or is the new fashion or craze!
The question one should ask themselves is …
is it or has it been working for you or simply pacifying you?
Is it feeding your inner you? (I call this ‘your you, your me, your self & I’)
We have free will to choose what we give our undivided attention to
& if something lights you up - then you will simply choose this repeatedly ...
making it more familiar!
But - is it lighting you up to your core or just superficially?
Only you would know the true answer!
Some folks are looking for more & have not yet realized going Within is the way to understand - understand where they are, in order to assess what it is they have - versus what they want!
Then to have a knowing, how to adapt or change to a new preferred familiar or familiars that will ultimately work for ones greatest good!
What is not considered by most in this life experience - is how perception is really so very individual. This may be why methods of inner work are not a one size fits all!
There is only 1 of you with your own individual experiences - you are unique!
Two people can have the same experience … yet their detailed description
of the experience would be so different / some similarities for sure.
But - not everyone feels the same way about the same experience -would you not agree?
Our previous experiences - coupled with our thoughts, are what consistently influence us on a thought level - every thought level!
We listen to our thoughts more than anything, once our blueprint is established!
YES - WE ARE listening to our thoughts all the time!!!
Even when we are listening to someone else … We have our own thoughts about it - true?
I Help those who seek to make better habits familiar through guidance or hypnotherapy - if one chooses this route.
The client also receives a personalized recording geared towards the desired wants, needs, & necessary goals they wish to focus on & achieve.
A Person has to want What they seek & be willing to participate in the necessary.
I can’t change anyone - only the client can change themselves.
My work is to guide that journey on a proven pathway to the desired changes.
Not everyone will understand a message the same way
& those who are not at a ready place to receive will feel a connection.
Everything in life is full of patterns - habits are patterns, we lovely humans have patterns of behavior - whether adopted, learned or sometimes accidentally misled - possibly even misguided purposely - especially, if negative in nature.
We need both positive & negative experiences in life to learn as we grow -
but, I believe there does come a time when we want to choose better habits of growth - because, we eventually know what we no longer want to keep experiencing, because it no longer serves us.
Up to 2 hours depending on focus subject - along with a few other personal factors.
Also Pre session paperwork & call will involve an email response & a 20 minute chat to assess where you the client is at.
With another text / email check in to follow the session at approximately 2 weeks post session. - The client is responsible to do this check In.
Mostly no - if the client has participated with complete honesty & did the work required in order to cement in the desired changes.
Some clients choose to focus on a new subject as a returning client.
Clients would either gather a group themselves wanting a common focus or… clients would message me through this website enquiring when I will be doing a group session based on a particular focus! I would then reach out once I have a group # assembled with time availability on the calendar.
If enough people request this through the website - then yes I would be willing to do so based on calendar availability.
Born the middle daughter to a young couple of different backgrounds (Amina & Malcolm). Living in an industrial town where more often than not - many families struggled to make it to the next pay packet!
Whenever funds did allow more - being social in one of the many social clubs, while overindulging on the booze, was both common & fun! STILL IS TO THE MANY!
By the time secondary school was done at 16, many were often or hoped to be coupled up & looking forward to building a life together - if you had a keeper & not a dipstick (player).
Work Experience began for most at age 14 on wk-ends, including I.
Full time work from age 16 for me - learning all aspects of Retail, becoming part of a Display Dresser team by 17, Therapist Assistant by 20 - with Restaurant & Bar Work part-time outside of the full-time Jobs.
Then came the moving around - to another town at first (Scarborough) -
eventually venturing to the other end of the country (Worthing, West Sussex).
Expanded my Bar & Restaurant Experiences (General Assistant to Deputy Management), which brought fun times & mostly great experiences. Drank way too much, did stupid drunken stuff, but - with some of the best people, while making life long friends :0)
I was quite the work horse - it was familiar in my growing years, as I had watched my dad with his excellent work ethic. He being the example that I would naturally follow!
I mostly mastered the tasks / jobs at hand - before moving on to the next challenge.
By age 25, I was on my 1st adventure stateside (America).
I Nannied, Travelled & socialized as I observed many human behavior patterns - even my own (I loved people watching). I always chose to see the best in people, even when they showed me otherwise! I could always see how they got to where they were.
I however, did not always understand - why they didn’t see how good at heart I was Or did they - while still choosing their Familiar?! I could see clearly many on a pathway of often being & feeling Long Lost, as they chose to preoccupy themselves. The days of not fully understanding choices were many!
After some back & forth - with more British work experience In Sgt. Yorks Casino as part of the reception team, computer input at a friends business & also the sudden loss of my mother - I got a little more serious about life as I chose to study - getting a degree in The Science of Business (Stateside).
Then began my years work experience, managing 3 properties, financial forecasting for said properties & family. Through the same employer I gained experience trading 1 hr daily prior to stock-market daily closing, at their private investment company.
Met & Married hubby #1 - not an experience that was inline with good & kind ultimately - but it taught me so much & brought some nice / interesting folk through my life experience.
I still - was able to see some of the best in people, even when they continued to show their worst! My perception of course!
For a time I had a Faux Painting Business, ( DDL Amina Art Deco ) specializing in textures, patterns & Venetian plaster - creativity kept me sane! As did some of the wonderful people I met doing some part time post op care for a local Doc & his associates.
At this point I was still letting many life experiences choose me - adjusting continuously - accepting that ‘I WAS TO DEAL WITH WHAT WAS!’
(A mindset that did not serve me well! )
I really was missing the signs in actively / consciously choosing otherwise!
Don’t get me wrong - I had many of the best fun filled life experiences in short bursts.
I eventually learned (the hard way some would say) - It was finally my time to choose & decide my story / adventure in this life experience.
I had many years of adventure - painting part time, nannying part time, then full time - with spare time focused on my creative adventures in painting, decorating, organizing & photography For fun!
Time was flying, as it seems to do so & more rapidly with aging.
I was ready for my attention to be placed on new challenges - & challenges arrived as I took on the responsibility of a VIP household / property management.
I had done this for other rich / well to do folk of a different caliber.
Loved it the first 2 - 3 years.
(In which time I wed hubby #2)
Things evolved (as they do) - but when I say I was doing the work of 3 people or more most days - it is of no exaggeration!
There was no mental switch off or downtime!
Several years in - I was Burned Out - with the powers that be (directly above me), seemingly refused to hear!
Complaining got real old, as did the lack of response / authorization to what I call essential upkeep & repairs. A stressful cycle!
Possibly a bigger scenario at play - but, when one is in a responsible position - it is ‘quite normal’ to expect to be allowed to achieve responsibilities with ease & correct support - NO?! One would think!
High BP, lack of quality rest, taking multiple meds was all too energy zapping - to say the least!
It was me or the job (as my doc phrased it) - so at 55, I CHOSE ME!!!
My plan of staying in that position until the age of 60 could not be accomplished under those existing conditions!
It was the best thing I ever did for my Health & Sanity - though, I do miss seeing some wonderful humans I came to know throughout that experience.
It did & still does amaze me, that knowing my worth, was such a hot topic / issue to a certain someone & discussed to the many, for quite some time after I had chosen to exit that employment.
A position that could no longer serve my greatest good or the wonderful VIP In such burned out circumstances.
At 55 I took a couple of months to decompress, learn some energy medicine, get off the meds completely & find my inner compass. My Me, Myself & I!
This directed me back to what I am & have always been good at - helping others get back to their inner compass.
I studied RTT (Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy), finished renovating, sold the house & moved to a couple of large rented rooms of a friends home.
A Blessing that allowed me the study time required for completion!
After graduating - I set an intention to be alone with my mind, to focus on all I had learned in life experiences & studies, along with what I instinctively / intuitively knew & how such relates to ones true decision making, LOA (Law Of attraction), as well as what we are Vibing at!
After all - everything is energy!
This led me to the interesting writing of a simple read, easy to follow, self help book titled ‘Where Is The Help I Need?’ (1st letter of each title word being the answer!)
Published in both English & Spanish
Recommended reading age is teen through all stages of adulthood.
NOW - my attention is directed to individual clients, group sessions of 10+ & companies that wish to have their staff a tailored recording for the companies greater good!
Group sessions allow those on tight budgets the ability / access to What I offer.
Personalized recordings will also be available for those wishing to reset & change to better habits of self growth!
Today | By Appointment |
One to one sessions available upon request!
Group sessions for 10+ available upon request for those on a tight budget.
Much like a tree - we have roots!
As we grow - we branch & bloom into that which we hope to be +
She can be reached at :-
with subject - Artwork Request
Our heart is full of shiny gems waiting like buried treasure to be found!
Isn't it time you looked inside to see how valuable you are?
As we grow & branch out into life - always searching - we look for the help needed!
But are we looking in the right direction?
Everything begins & ends with a thought - true?
But, are you coming from a place of love & kind in your thinking?
It takes courage to see the love your heart holds for you - as well as others too!
Your roots run deep with your thoughts that have become your beliefs - but, are they yours, given to you or adopted?
Only you know your true thoughts - that have become your beliefs!
Only you know your true feelings & emotions that ultimately vibrate at your very own frequency.
So I ask you - are they to your benefit?
The diversity in nature is amazing!
Even trees!
Growth, Bloom, Shed & Rest as they clean the air we breath!
Diversity at it's best!
Shouldn't we be celebrating the diversity worldwide - knowing that we don't need something to be familiar to see the beauty in all that the eyes get to experience!
Clasped Hands of The Higher Power - The Dear Divine!
To Dream Right -
You Must Dream Big In Your Now!
Dream It, Think It, Write It, Believe It - Receive It!
D - Divine!
We are that miracle of the Dear Divine which believes in us whole heartedly!
It's time you joined that Belief WholeHeartedly Too!
L - Love!
Do it with Love & Love will be received!
When one creates from the heart ...
With Love & Compassion -
It Can Be Received!
What we do & to others -
We Do To Ourselves!
What is at the end of your rainbow?
Does it delight you?
What does it inspire you to do for you?
Let your inner rainbow shine through!
What sparks your joy?
Light Your Spark!
Find the joy - your heart deserves it!
Inner love awaits your connection!
There is more Love inside your heart waiting to be discovered!
What Are You Waiting For?
It Is A Choice!
We face so many choices day in / day out - true?
But, are you choosing what is only good & kind to you - with the love you deserve?
Even when avoiding a choice - you are making a CHOICE!
What is your FOCUS today?
Is it worthy of your attention?
Where your attention goes...your energy flows!
Do you know where your energy is going?
Are you choosing to put your attention & energy where it best serves you?
If you can only focus 100% on one thing at a time...
What, are you choosing to spend your time on?
Listening to music that speaks to your heart - whether it be through words or vibrations is good for your soul or so they say!
I say it's medicine in vibrational form!
Listen to that which brings you joy - getting you out of your seat physically or mentally!
Symbolizing resurrection as it closes by night & reopens by day.
A spiritual rebirth some might say!
A symbol of the connection between Life & Death.
Can our life be compared to that of a single drop of water?
As the ripples gain outward momentum - growing in energy & frequency...
it affects all it touches -
So what do you choose to touch in your ripple outward bound?
It's yours for the choosing!
Fireworks of many pretty colors are much like the explosion of happiness & joy!
Can you feel it?
Choose Joy - make joy familiar & watch that joy spark into the explosion of the happiness you deserve ...
because ...
it is your birth right!
Copyright © 2025 Source One Debi L - All Rights Reserved.
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